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Flax, Hemp, and Jute Yarn Products

Our yarn is widely used in a myriad of industries around the world.

The fine flax yarn is usually referred to as “linen”. It is used in a wide range of textile products. It is considered a luxury fabric in household products such as curtains, upholstery, bedding & sheets, rugs, and other household commodities. The finest of linen yarn is used in high-end luxury fashion clothing. The thicker yarn ranging from Number Metric (Nm) 0.2 to 9 is used in other applications and industries such as the meat industry, upholstery industry, produce farms, packing, and more.

Some uses of our yarn:

  • Linen Sausage yarn. With the 3 / 3.5 WI-Extra quality, 200g balls being the most popular.
  • Processed meat industry. Used to mark different types of meat.
  • Furniture industry. Used in the making of sofas and couches.
  • Tomato farms. Used in tomato farms to hold the plants’ stems to sticks for early-stages support.
  • Other uses: these natural fiber balls provide higher tensile strength than cotton. They are ideal for macramé, crochet and hand knitting.

Yarn Balls

We can wind our yarn in the form of balls.

  • Weight: we can produce balls in any weight ranging from 20 grams to 10 Kg
  • Number Metric (Nm.): from 0.2 to 6 Nm (semi-wet) – can go up to 16 Nm. with wet spinning.
  • Twists: from 2 strands (i.e., 2ply) up to 10 strands. Can go higher according to customer request
  • Commonly demanded balls: 100, 200, and 500 grams, as well as 1Kg balls

Yarn Spools & Bobbins

We can wind our yarn in the form of spools.

  • Weight: we can produce balls in any weight ranging from 40 grams to 10 Kg
  • Number Metric (Nm.): from 0.2 to 6 Nm (semi-wet) – can go up to 16 Nm. with wet spinning.
  • Shape: cylindrical, conical or tubeless.
    Cone size: 4″, 6″, 8″, and 10″ cones
  • Twists: from 2 strands (i.e. 2ply) up to 10 strands
  • Commonly-demanded spools: 200 g spools, 500 g spools, and 10 Kg on 10″ cone

Yarn Spools & Bobbins

We can wind our yarn in the form of spools.

  • Weight: we can produce balls in any weight ranging from 40 grams to 10 Kg
  • Number Metric (Nm.): from 0.2 to 6 Nm (semi-wet) – can go up to 16 Nm. with wet spinning.
  • Shape: cylindrical, conical or tubeless.
    Cone size: 4″, 6″, 8″, and 10″ cones
  • Twists: from 2 strands (i.e. 2ply) up to 10 strands
  • Commonly-demanded spools: 200 g spools, 500 g spools, and 10 Kg on 10″ cone

Yarn Finishing Options

Bleaching & Coloring

We offer both bleached (whitened) and natural (uncolored) yarn.

We also offer different variety of solid colors, two-tone colors, three-tone colors or more as required.

This color mixing adds liveness to the yarn and makes it crisper and joyful especially for crafts and decoration.

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Weight & Size

We offer our yarn balls in several weights and sizes, up to the customer’s request.

The balls or spools weight can vary anywhere from 16 grams up to 10 Kg.

The yarn count is up to the client. It can be anything from Number Metric (Nm) 0.2 up to Nm 16, up to the client.

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We offer polishing as an optional finish. Polishing adds a wax layer to the thread.

The level of polishing  can be adjusted on demand.

Polishing adds consistency and shine to the yarn. It also increases the thread’s tensile strength.
